Cruelty to dogs

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Cruelty to dogs
odpovědí: 4, poslední: 4. 5. 2012, nejnovější přispěvatel: Asmaa | 24.3.2012 09:26

Everyone makes sure that the dogs hurt lidem.Ale that people hurt dogs, I almost do not care about anyone .... What is your opinion on bullying you? Have you abuse a dog or other animal in my life met? Tell us about your experiences ...

Asmaa z IP 41.250.80.*** | 4.5.2012 02:52
well to be honets i've always ben affraid of dogs i'd never could be friend with them but im against cruelty to all animals not only dogs caus even if they cant' talk or express their feelings but they still alive and they can feel too so we have to respect animals and treat them well
Vera z IP 195.146.112.*** | 4.5.2012 02:35
I could not hurt the dogs are so cute.
Alf z IP 195.146.112.*** | 4.5.2012 02:34
I feel sorry for abused dogs.German support organization against cruelty to animals.
soffi z IP 195.146.112.*** | 4.5.2012 02:31
boze jak to nekdo muze udělat?????????
nechapu takový lidi je to smutny smile smile

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