Jörg: "Fame and money destroyed our family"

Napsal Tokiohotel.bloger.cz (») 16. 4. 2012 v kategorii Articles, přečteno: 3238×

His sons as if he dropped out of the eye. Dark eyebrows, pointed hair, charismatic lips.

Jörg (44) of Hanover is the biological father of Bill (22) and Tom Kaulitz (22) from Tokio Hotel!

The driver is now in the public never showed up as the father of twins, never said a word about his famous sons.

If it was between them, so it could be: Father a few days ago received a letter from America who was deeply hurt: O my sons never speak publicly.

In addition, the twins want to disinherit his father!

Jörg: "I think they want their property to refer to the protection of animals."

The BILD Jörg first broke silence. He does it out of concern for his two sons, who for three years before.

"Fame and money destroyed our family," says Jörg sad voice for BILD. "Since autumn 2010, as Bill and Tom went to America, just contact me via SMS. In Tom's last SMS said:" We have problems, we have to deal with the past "" I think he meant that it lost focus in life . "

From the perspective of the father is no surprise: "They were thrown into the performance of the show, until blown. Once I was behind the scenes. There was no glamor, just two exhausted little boys and a few cold hamburgers. Stress made them mentally ill."

Flashback: When the twins were seven, their parents divorced. Jörg's father works as a driver in Hanover. The twins are moving with his mother Simone in Magdeburg. What about divorced families in common, father and sons to attend regularly, go on holiday together, the father pays child support.

Jörg: "When in 2005, became famous, they were just 15th in their second childhood was gone. Crazy fans are chased 24/7. When they wanted to go to the movies, they had to rent the hall. When they wanted to go to a restaurant, they had to order food to your hotel room. They were like prisoners. "

While Father could visit their children's concerts, but never allowed to be identified as the father: "In the audience sat in my ex-wife Simone and her new husband Gordon as the official parents, I had to sit somewhere on the edge. Then I thought that I would like simple driver probably did not fit into the picture. Today, I'm sure that Bill and Tom are not to blame. I think that it is still their mother Simone. always had things well in hand.

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Alf z IP 195.146.112.*** | 17.4.2012 11:24
Ach jo no co se dá dělat
soffi z IP 195.146.112.*** | 17.4.2012 11:34
Nikdy jsem o jejich otci neslyšela až ted' co se to děje?

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