Tokio Hotel are fighting against the cruel killing of dogs

Napsal (») 1. 4. 2012, přečteno: 405×

Bill and Tom Kaulitz help animal protection organization PETA. Look at the poster, who joined the campaign against the killing of stray dogs in Ukraine.

What is it? European Football Championship will be held this year in Ukraine. The venues but "make trouble" stray dogs - or rather we should write that the problems caused people who had run wild ... blecháče Local authorities acceded to drastic measures and start site, which will arrive in June crowds of football fans, "clean".

It happens, however, cleaning is really brutal way. Dogs are beaten with sticks or liquidated poisoned grub cramps and die on the street. Against these inhuman practices, of course, opposition arose. PETA activists and other global and local Ukrainian organizations to protect animals trying to push the authorities, whether instead of killing innocent creatures prefer to build shelters. So far, unfortunately in vain.

No wonder it is Bill and Tom decided to help influence public opinion and stop the barbaric behavior of the roving hafanům. Indeed, it is not the first time that they gave their names and faces at the service organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). Already in 2010, joined the campaign criticizing the abuse of animals in circuses.

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