BTK App - alien wall (24.03.2012)

Napsal (») 25. 3. 2012, přečteno: 718×
Tom: Cars in Venice
... this is cute ;-)

Lisa Marie: @ Tom @ Bill, it reminds me a little luxury version 'Trabant'. Remember these cars? ;)
Tom: @ Lisa Marie: Yeah, of course, that these cars have to remember! My family had them ... so funny!

Vasiliy: @ Tom, breaking the traffic laws? how often? :-)
Tom: @ Visilia: Yeah, I was always too fast! I used to ... German motorway taktže so!

Märchen: By the way, in my city of Essen in Germany is now selling these veterans fair, it's really cool to see a lot of old and beautiful cars, go to town! For you, as a car fanatic, it would be cool ;)
Tom: @ Märchen: Sounds amazing! I would like to see it ... I bet there are super cool car!
Bill: In the studio
Look ... at how my little girl trying to make a comfortable spot on the carpet ...
Violet: I do not see photo :-(
Bill: @ Violet: It's a video! Look ... ...
Erika: @ Bill, you ever had a cat? by the way, I just wanted to tell you that your cooperation with PETA is amazing, I think it's great that you are doing something for these things! Animals must be respected and people are sometimes too brutal! It's really sad and I think it's fine when you are helping in the fight against this injustice!!
Bill: @ Erik: Yes, we had cats and I still have one. It is still in Germany with my family. It is very cute :-)
Zai: @ Bill, why this video has no sound?
Bill: @ Zai: ... because I had removed. In the background were secret noises that you have not heard :-)
anaraquelK: @ Bill, your girl is so cute! My little girl is in Portugal, I miss so much, but I think that after my summer holidays to take her to Germany. By the way, how was your day? :)
Bill: @ anaraquelK: Nice! You should do this! I can not be without my dogs too long ... I had a wonderful peaceful day, thank you! You?

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