Sara wants to go with Bill to celebrate

Napsal (») 6. 4. 2012 v kategorii Bill, přečteno: 987×

Almost two years did Tokio Hotel singer Bill Kaulitz (22) my things quietly and clandestinely, and the public was hardly to be seen. Idol girls accepted the offer now Heidi Klum (38) and "Germany's Next Topmodel" returned to the limelight ...
When the model had to throw from the stage into the audience because of rockstar-shooting, coach Bill stagediving-married girls under the magnifying glass. And especially one with a singer liked: Sara Wild (21)!
The film had a girl from Leipzig cut mouth, tossed his long hair and threw herself into the audience without fear. "It is sweet," enthused frontman of Tokio Hotel Heidinou girl and even added another batch of compliments: "It amused me a lot. Completely woke me up."
What did not say on camera, Heidi Klum Sarah leaked the decision: "Bill told me, 'The Tonight Sarah would still like to go to a party.' You liked him. "
This model was of course very happy!
"Give him my address," asked the sexy Sara. "Then he can ever stop, and together we'll go for a drink."

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Soffi z IP 195.146.112.*** | 6.4.2012 19:26
ty jo taky bych šla s Billem na drink smilesmile

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