BTK App - alien wall (21.04.2012)

Napsal (») 22. 4. 2012 v kategorii BTK App, přečteno: 776×

imagebam.comTom: It looks like a nice concept ...
... for our next stage;-) I love it! The Waste Land!

Kayla Renee ': @ @ Tom, Bill, today's my birthday! But they did nothing special. In response I certainly felt better (: Please, please, answer
Bill: @ Kayla Renee ': Happy Birthday! I wish you only the best, love and happiness ... Have a great day!

Joy: ahah, yeah, very original! why it is not for backstage? Today I have another party, this time it's a party with all musical genres, from country to electro dance! I just stopped dancing for me to drink or something to look at the BTK;-)
Tom: @ Joy: That sounds great! Where'd you go? Where is this event?

Lexi <3: @ Tom, how are you feeling today? ... You already have the flu? ... what did the doctor say?
Tom: @ Lexi <3: Today I feel much better! Thanks for asking! I am 90% healed! ;)

imagebam.comBill: LA sunset

Anto: @ Bill, BEAUTIFUL! I love sunset * so romantic * I wish that I was there! One I really want to visit LA! :-) How are you? What is your day? I miss you! I can not wait to see you again on stage! : D I love you! Have a great weekend! ;-)
Bill: @ Anto ... LA was very hot! Weather you get into a good mood ... I can not wait to get back on stage :-)

Alina_483: Hi @ @ Tom and Bill! How are you? This app I have more than 3 months for the first time and want to get your answer. I have a few questions for you: How many songs is currently ready for the new album? @ Tom, you're on a new album to play some new tools?
Tom: @ Alina_483: We have a ton of demo versions of songs and ideas! Hard to say exactly how many ... never counting! But if we take each song, we would now released 4 albums! ... at the next tour I want to play at least one song on the drums!

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