BTK App - alien wall (14.04.2012)

Napsal (») 15. 4. 2012 v kategorii BTK App, přečteno: 614×

imagebam.comBill: Party ...
... we had a great first night ... more to come :-)

Aco: @ Bill, you were entertained during the 1st day?
Bill: @ Aco: I've been amused, but the weather was really bad. Today it is much better!

Sylvia.: @ Bill, on which artists to go see tonight? Have a great weekend, enjoy it! kiss :-)
Bill: @ Sylvia: Today we will see Radiohead and a few other bands ... first go to a pool party and entertain a bit :-)

imagebam.comTom: Find me ...
I was ... somewhere in this photo;-)

Syl: The top of you ... are you really? I hope you're kidding ... or are you completely crazy haha. In any case did not fall! A. Do not look down .. haha
Tom: @ Syl.: Yeah, right on top of things I am :-)

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