Gottschalk Live - Heidi Klum o Billovi...

Napsal (») 21. 4. 2012 v kategorii Articles, přečteno: 969×


Heidi Klum: Bill was great. With our girls did "Stage Diving". He explained to them how to jump off the stage into the crowd. It was cool that he came. Now working on his new album. We called him and he was immediately ready and came, it was totally cool.

Thomas Gottschalk: Is he good, yes? Some are a little worried that he is not interested in the [TH], are now in California and did not want to go back and do the album. But working on it ..?
Heidi Klum: It sounds like it. Of course, Bill did not tell the details of what to do right now. But he said that working on a new album in Los Angeles and therefore it is very good. Our episodes are preparing months in advance, so what people see now, we shot two months ago, so it's time, but ..

Thomas Gottschalk: That is why it looks so young.
Heidi Klum: ... working on the album.

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