DE Bravo - Bill and Tom v LA (») | 31. 5. 2012 | přečteno: 2307× | komentáře: 1, poslední: 31. 5. 2012
They are mega-famous, have millions of fans around the world and can afford almost everything. Just carrier bags 22letá twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz (now with black dreadlocks) from Tokio Hotel do not need. After buying one of the drugstores in Los Angeles / California, he carried his own plastic bags to the car. Cool rockers! číst dál

New pics updated (») | 31. 5. 2012 | přečteno: 2259× | komentáře: 1, poslední: 31. 5. 2012
Making of "1000 Meere" číst dál

BTK App - photos #33 (») | 26. 5. 2012 | přečteno: 2266× | komentáře: 1, poslední: 31. 5. 2012
Photo 1 - "Bill: Tom out ..." číst dál

BTK App - photos #32 (») | 23. 5. 2012 | přečteno: 2243× | komentáře: 1, poslední: 31. 5. 2012
Photo 1 - "Bill: Transport" číst dál

Bill Kaulitz appearing on the track, Far East Movement (») | 23. 5. 2012 | přečteno: 4058× | komentáře: 0
Headed by Far East Movement - Tokio Hotel fans can be happy that Bill Kaulitz appearing on the track Far East Movement! číst dál

Tokio Hotel won the nomination at the MTV Music Awards! (») | 23. 5. 2012 | přečteno: 2308× | komentáře: 1, poslední: 31. 5. 2012
This year will be held next MTV Music Awards and The Tokio Hotel again received a nomination in the category "Fan Army FTW," which won last year 2. číst dál

BILD: So Bill and Tom live in the U.S. - private photo album of Tokio Hotel (») | 22. 5. 2012 | přečteno: 2666× | komentáře: 0
Los Angeles - Finally we see how the youngest German pop-retired from "Tokio Hotel" are taking their lives in Los Angeles! číst dál

LiesAngeles - twitter (») | 20. 5. 2012 | přečteno: 2681× | komentáře: 0
LiesAngeles: Tokio Hotel fans, you want to see Bill's new tattoo and Tom's new hairstyle? To see photos, where the smile and look good? číst dál

Tokio Hotel Call - 18.05.2012 (») | 19. 5. 2012 | přečteno: 2609× | komentáře: 0
Bill: Hi, this is Tokio Hotel and we're going to answer another question. Angie is from France and would like to know: "What is your favorite Aerosmith song and have you ever seen Aerosmith live?"
Tom: My favorite song is by Aerosmith ...
Bill: Mine is definitely "Dude Looks Like A Lady." I love this song so much. So .. yeah, for me it's "Dude Looks Like A Lady"!
Tom: Ehmm .. how is this song called ... I forgot ... it's older ..
Bill: "I Do not Wanna Miss A Thing" ...
Georg: "I Do not Wanna Miss A Thing" is a great ...
Bill: Yeah, that's great. I've never seen them live ...
Tom... číst dál

Far East Movement & Bill Kaulitz's 'If I Die Tomorrow' - Listen Now! (») | 19. 5. 2012 | přečteno: 2611× | komentáře: 0
Listen to the brand new song Far East Movement "If I Die Tomorrow" featuring Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel! číst dál